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HOW-TO: Make a release available for offline use


In this how-to, we explain how to make a specific release (e.g. Cycle 74) available for offline use.

By making a release available for offline use, you can rehearse or give workouts without having to be connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet through your phone provider.

Note: The app must remain ACTIVE (screen on) while you are downloading. In most cases the download will take no more than a minute.

You make a release available in 6 simple steps:

1. Navigate to the release you want to make available for offline use.

2. Press the download button at the top right of your screen:



3. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure. Press "Continue". Note: If the option "Download with mobile data" is off and you are NOT connected to Wi-Fi, you need to turn it on in the "More" > Settings menu.

4. A green bar will appear at the bottom of your screen indicating that the download is in progress.

5. Press the green bar to see the progress of the download.


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