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ClubJoy builds on the future with the introduction of nine new workouts

Sep 25, 2020

The past six months have been turbulent for every industry member, to say the least. Clubs were forced to close and many took the opportunity to upgrade various items. From a lick of paint on the walls and a redesign of the fitness room to a critical look at the offer. All this while the online activities shot through the roof at the same time and afterwards it was possible to work out again outside.

At our headquarters, too, we worked overtime during the mandatory lockdown. The online platform FitSnacks.TV was offered without platform charges at the time of the corona closure. This service was gratefully used by over 600 (!!) clubs. The production team worked overtime to add good content and LIVE work-outs to the online offer. At the same time, we went full steam ahead to add a completely new SPECIALS package to our offering. A step that allows us to expand our package from ten to fourteen programmes in one fell swoop!

Short but powerful
For years there has been an international trend for training programmes to become more focused, shorter and also more intensive. At ClubJoy, we've been keeping a close eye on this trend.

The fact is that the younger generation, with increasing adoption among the somewhat older target group, like to use their time as efficiently as possible. Training is considered important, but preferably short, powerful and as goal-oriented as possible.

The above partly explains the success of various functional training programmes. We also see that this trend has spread to group activities on or with music. That is why we have chosen to develop a package of service programmes that all meet the above requirements. These programmes have been brought together in a so-called SPECIALS package. If you buy one, you get all nine!

Short, very targeted, intensive and above all FUN! These are the key words that apply to the new concepts. It is our passion to keep people fit while having fun. Hence our slogan Share the fun! If it's fun, you stick with it longer. Working out more often is easier if you can vary your workouts and, most importantly, don't spend hours on them. Each work-out lasts 30 minutes.

New: Pilates, Booty, HIIT Barbell, HIIT NRG
The ClubJoy SPECIALS package contains nine programmes, including a number of well-known programmes in a new guise: Fight Mix, Step, Dance Party, Box Fight and Latin Party have been re-examined and then given a new and more contemporary concept.
We have also taken the opportunity to add popular workouts to the package in a whole new concept. With the addition of Pilates, Booty, HIIT Barbell and HIIT NRG, ClubJoy's member clubs will be able to serve a much larger audience.

ClubJoy Essentials: The national Big Five
A scan of all the clubs working with our programmes at home and abroad shows that the vast majority of affiliated clubs work with the following five programmes:

  • ClubJoy Power 92%
  • ClubJoy Yoga 80%
  • ClubJoy Cycle 65%
  • ClubJoy Core 55%
  • ClubJoy Fit&Shape 45%

This is one of the reasons why we have decided to include these five programmes in the so-called Essentials package. These can be purchased individually and can often be found at least three times a week per work-out on the timetables of affiliated sports clubs. Choosing one of these five programmes always works out well. There is a lot of public support for them, they are accessible, proven effective and fun!

In our view, a roster can be completed with the nine new concepts, which of course do not all have to be included in the roster or equally often. It does, however, give a roster enormous variety and, as a club, you are very complete and up-to-date with what is on offer.

Online launch ClubJoy SPECIALS on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September
On Saturday 26 September, ClubJoy will launch the nine new concepts online. This will be done via both a Facebook live as a live broadcast on www.fitsnacks.tv. Anyone can participate, registration is not required, so feel welcome to attend! Training for the various programmes is currently offered in-company and will also be offered at the regular training locations from Q4 2020 onwards.Author: Marc Neijland

MARC NEIJLAND is director and co-owner of ClubJoy, Virtual Training Concepts, Start2Move and FitSnacks.TV. These companies serve over 1500 fitness clubs in the Benelux, Germany and Switzerland. Do you have any questions or comments about this article? Please send an e-mail to ClubJoy.

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